HDPE Heat Resistance in Action: Lessons from Indonesian Boats

The shortage of Indonesia’s main shipping material, wood, has forced citizens in coastal areas like Bengkalis to look for alternatives. According to researchers Siswandi and Wasis, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) boats have become a quick and effective answer to this problem. Known for their durability and the heat resistance of HDPE, these boats are transforming the global fishing market. But what’s so unique about these boats? Let’s take a look at how this technology is changing the global fishing market and how it can help Americans.

Why is HDPE the best material for boats?

High-Density Polyethylene, or HDPE, is a plastic that has had its chemical composition developed and perfected. This material is well-known for its strength and flexibility, which is why it is often used in marine applications. Among its improved qualities we can mention:

  • HDPE heat resistance: HDPE is perfect for hot areas or severe temperature fluctuations due to its thermal resilience of up to 120 °C.
  • Low routine maintenance: HDPE boats do not need to be painted and are resistant to corrosion. As a result, they have lower operating costs.
  • Sustainability: The durability of the material is excellent, with boats having a minimum lifespan of 50 years, and they are 100% recyclable.

In addition, HDPE has distinct mechanical benefits, including low density, tensile strength and stability, as we will see below in the case of Indonesian boats.

The case of the Pompong boat from Indonesia

Traditional wooden Pompong boats in Indonesia have given way to new models made of HDPE. The shortage has driven the development and application of cutting-edge technology. With this new structure, impressive findings were obtained after an analysis of the Pompong HDPE boat. The highlights are presented below:

  • Size and efficiency: With a length of 8.8 meters and a width of 1.56 meters, the boat’s drag at 5 knots was only 0.74 kN.
  • Stability is guaranteed: The boat met the IMO (International Maritime Organization) criteria with a maximum GZ value of 0.381 meters at an angle of 60°, as determined by the stability curve (Figure 1).
Curve stability fishing vessel of Pompong HDPE plastic

Figure 1: Curve stability fishing vessel of Pompong HDPE plastic

The equation used to calculate GZ (stability), for small angles up to 15° was ( GZ = GMsinθ ). As for angles greater than 15° was:

equation of hdpe boat stability

GM= metacentric height

BM= transverse metacentric radius

HDPE Application in US Boats

The same tried and tested Indonesian technology has been applied to the US market. Legacy HDPE is an example of this, its business produces boats that adhere to the same international standards and achieve stability, efficiency, as well as:

  • Adaptable design: Our boats can be made for both fishing and for various purposes, such as leisure and cargo transportation.
  • Less resistance: HDPE boats can use less fuel due to the hydrodynamic resistance of their hulls. For illustration purposes, total resistance is determined using the Van Oortmeersen technique, and it works as follows:
hydrodynamic resistance formula Van Oortmeersen


ρ = Density of sea water (ton/m3)
S = Wetted surface area (m2)
Vs = speed (knot)
Cf = Coefficient friction
CA = correlation factor = 0.0006
Δ = Displacement (ton)
RR/ ∆ = Residual resistance (kN)
ν = Viscosity kinematic sea water  = 1.18831×10-6 m2/sec

This hydrodynamic advantage, combined with the heat resistance of HDPE, makes these boats suitable for a variety of environments, from coastal waters to inland rivers, ensuring performance under varying conditions. Ideally suited for coastal fishermen in Indonesia, where the weather can change abruptly, as well as in many unpredictable regions of the United States.

More than just a financial return for American customers

Investing in a Legacy HDPE boat is not just a purchase; it is an investment in sustainability and innovation. Here is what customers can expect from this investment:

  • Long-term durability: Even after decades of use, HDPE boats continue to perform well.
  • Minimal environmental impact: These boats have a smaller environmental impact because they are recyclable and require fewer products to maintain.
  • Comfort and convenience: The flexibility of HDPE allows for a wide range of designs and cutting-edge technology for a variety of environments. Additionally, the HDPE heat resistance ensures comfort and reliability even in extreme climates.


HDPE boats have proven themselves in tough environments, such as those found in Indonesia. Now that this technology is available in the United States, the local market may fully benefit from the modern and eco-friendly design.
To gain control of this technology, see our HDPE boat models and contact Legacy HDPE by phone or write us now!

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